特许学校 公立学校是根据绩效合同运作的吗, 或者是一份“特许状”,将他们从传统公立学校的许多规定中解放出来,同时让他们对学术和财务结果负责. 特许学校管理委员会和赞助商之间的特许合同详细说明了学校的使命, 程序, 目标, 学生服务, 评估方法和衡量成功的方法.
The legislative guiding principles behind charter schools are to meet high standards of student achievement while increasing parental choice; align responsibility with accountability; and provide parents information on reading levels and learning gains of their children. 特许学校 are intended to improve student learning; increase learning opportunities with special emphasis on low performing students and reading; and measure learning outcomes. 特许学校 may create innovative measurement tools; provide competition to stimulate improvement in traditional schools; expand capacity of the public school system; and mitigate the educational impact created by the development of new residential units.